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Deniz Yurtseven

MetLife Turkey, General Manager & Board Member

Raif Deniz Yurtseven holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and an MBA from Marmara University. Starting his career as a specialist at Pamukbank Menkul Değerler in 1990, Yurtseven worked in the field of Futures Market at Merrill Lynch (USA) in 1998, and he served as Corporate Sales Manager at Axa Oyak Sigorta in 2000. Yurtseven was appointed as DenizBank Bancassurance Group Manager in 2004.

After being appointed as General Manager and Board Member at Deniz Emeklilik ve Hayat in March 2007, Yurtseven continued to serve in the same positions following the Deniz Emeklilik and American Life merger that formed MetLife Emeklilik ve Hayat. Besides his aforementioned roles, he currently serves as Board Member Responsible for Compliance with Obligations Regarding Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing.