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Proactive Earthquake Risk Management with Miyamoto International

AmCham Türkiye organized “Proactive Earthquake Risk Management” webinar organized in cooperation with its member Miyamoto International, a global earthquake + engineering and project management company. The webinar hosted:
Yusuf Zahit GÜNDOĞDU, President, Miyamoto International Türkiye and

Mustafa ERDİK, Professor Emeritus of Earthquake Engineering at Boğaziçi University.

During the webinar, the following topics were discussed by the speakers:

  • Proactive Earthquake Risk Management
  • Resilient Structures
  • Post-Earthquake Business Sustainability
  • Neglecting Non-Structural Risks
  • Controlling Human Panic and Secondary Disaster
  • General evaluation of Feb. 6 earthquakes in Türkiye.
  • Assess the earthquake risk- How to reduce the earthquake risk?
  • Do not increase the risk (design and construct all buildings and infrastructures in adherence to the codes)
  • Decrease the risk (improve the earthquake performance of the existing buildings and infrastructures)
  • Transfer the risk (earthquake insurance, reinsurance, cat-bonds)

Please click to watch the webinar: LINK