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Announcement: AmCham Turkey (ABFT) – American Business Forum in Turkey

In Turkey, there are more than one association operating in the field of Turkey-US business relations. Our association, AmCham Turkey/ABFT is one of these institutions. In order to prevent any confusion and misunderstanding among the organizations concerned due to some recent news in the media, we need to make the following statement:

The US Chamber of Commerce maintains relations with local associations established in different countries that aim to develop bilateral economic relations with the US. Despite occurring on very rare instances, they can establish relations with more than one local associations in some countries, which include Turkey. As a result, the US Chamber of Commerce has established a similar relationship in Turkey in the past years with another association, other than our association AmCham Turkey/ABFT. Consequently, both associations defined themselves as “AmCham Turkey”. Nevertheless, our association does not have an organic or inorganic bond, joint activity or any similar relationship with the other association mentioned in the media recently and associated with the US Chamber of Commerce.

AmCham Turkey/ABFT was founded in 2004 and represents 115 US-based companies. According to our charter, our members must be part of a US-based structure operating in Turkey. In this respect, our members are US-based companies that invest in our country. Our members have contributed more than 50 billion dollars to the Turkish economy up to now and they employ 100,000 people currently. With the contributions of all our members, each of whom are the prominent and respected companies globally in their fields, we are working with all our strength with the goal of being a power that carries Turkey to global markets.

We hope this announcement will clarify possible misunderstandings; and thank you in advance for your support in informing the public.


AmCham Turkey (ABFT) – American Business Forum in Turkey

Announcement: AmCham Turkey (ABFT) – American Business Forum in Turkey